Friday, November 23, 2012

Spot Training - It is Possible to Change A Single part of Your body

Good News: You CAN Spot Change

When one works on a particular body part with weights, and follows a body building routine, muscles are stimulated in that specific area by increasing the blood flow, and demanding a response. As a result, the muscles in that area firm up, lose their shapeless quality, and begin to grow. At the same time, fat is burned from that particular area. For example, when one does 25 sit-ups, Intramuscular fat is burned and shapely muscle is built in the abdominal area.

Dieting does not reshape one's body. In other words; if you don't like the shape of your body, simply eating less will not result in feeling happy about one's body. You will end up with a smaller version of the shape that you hate. one needs to be re-shaped by strength training. I believe that it is a good idea to lift weights at moderate to heavy poundage for every body part. An example of The Pin up Girl Workout, my personal program, would be that if one has a large midsection; work on areas that will minimize the focus on the large waistline. This often means building the shoulders to enhance the hourglass/ or " V" shape. A lot of leg work is a great way to reduce overall weight and gives the waist a smaller look; usually by adding curves to the rear. If you have never been much of a weight lifter, here is a good beginner's routine.

Military Press  - With feet comfortably spaced directly beneath shoulders press barbell or two dumbbells directly up. Do this 8 times. X 3

Military Press







Squats- (With or without weights) Stand with feet centered directly under your shoulders and squat down. Do this 15 times X4














Dumbbell flys- Lye down on bench or floor with dumbbell in each hand, and hold dumbbells in alignment with each other, then slowly lower arms to your side and repeat x15. Do this 3 times. 

Lye down on bench or floor with dumbbell in each hand, and hold dumbbells in alignment with each other, then slowly lower arms to your side and repeat x15. Do this 3 times.
Dumbbell Fly



  These are great basic exercises that stimulate the "big" muscles of the body. I find that if one gets the best results this way. Unless you are very serious about body building and want to work out a lot, the large muscles are the back and legs which will burn more fat than working smaller muscles of the arms. Also, these are the muscles that contribute to the hourglass/ "V" shape we all want.



Never Forget Good Nutrition

Remember that good nutrition enhances appearance and is commonly exemplified by shiny hair, clear skin, clear eyes,correct posture,an alert expression, and firmness of skin on well-developed bone structures. Good nutrition aids emotional adjustments, provides stamina, and promotes a healthy appetite, It also helps establish regular sleep and elimination habits.

Provide Energy
 Nutrient class providing source of  Energy
Provide Energy
          highest calorie value nutrient class
Build and Repair Body Tissues
                contain nitrogen
Regulate Body Processes


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